Just the Facts?

Day 5 Slice

I was getting ready for work this morning while listening to my audiobook when it happened; again.

 I discovered audiobooks several years ago and they now accompany me through all of my mundane chores and while exercising as well.  I have been astonished at how many books I can polish off while cleaning bathrooms, washing dishes, and matching socks. So here I was, listening to my audiobook while mascara-ing my lashes and the reader mispronounced the protagonist’s name yet again. This audio reader has been alternating between names for the main character all through the book.  I have heard Joann, Joanna, and Johanna.  I have no idea what the name of another main character’s last name is because she sometimes adds the letter L to it, and has so many pronunciations that I don’t even realize who she is talking about right away when I hear the name.  She has an awkward stuttering pause before the name and then comes out with some version of it that may or may not match what she has been saying previously. She mispronounces the names of places as well. And punctuation?  Forget about it!  She reads right past commas and even periods at times, leaving me straining to make sense of what I just heard. She mispronounces words as well.  Here’s a little list of words she uses that have startled and puzzled me: bludgeon becomes “blungeon”, faux is “focks” and homicide becomes “home-i-cide”, and imbibed is “embidded”, “emplicable” for implacable, “startling face” for startled face, and “seared off” for sheared off, to mention a few. This audio reader finally sent me scurrying to Google to see who on earth she was, and I soon discovered that I was not alone in my frustrations.  Many others had posted about her, which made me feel justified in my feelings but also prompted a doubt in my mind.  

So far I have only presented the facts.  I haven’t made any judgments, such as that she is hands down a horrible audio reader.  The doubt that I have in my mind, which I mentioned earlier, is where does reporting facts end and unkindness begin?  I think to myself, “Surely if this woman were standing here in front of me I would not be so harshly critical, would I?”  The anonymity of the internet gives us carte blanche to bash other human beings.  None of what I said about her is untrue or exaggerated, but is it necessary?  When should we be tactfully kind?  Have we lost sight of the fact that just because we can say things, perhaps we shouldn’t?  If someone were to ask my opinion of her as an audio reader, should I gleefully catalog all of her mistakes and shortcomings or should I merely say that she is not my cup of tea?

Author: jet197

A Spanish-speaking elementary resource teacher, single mom with two grown kids, and a passion for the outdoors and books. I am a big curious question mark always pondering with a penchant for poetry.

8 thoughts on “Just the Facts?”

  1. You totally made me giggle in shared feelings here. I love audiobooks, too, and sometimes come across the most terrible readers! I’ve come thisclose to slamming them in reviews, but then go through a similar thought process of “would I ever say this to their face?” The answer is no, but man …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Audiobooks– I love them too! I haven’t come across many with bad readers though! It was fascinating how you took this post an entirely different way in the last paragraph. What a life lesson about the anonymity of the internet/social media. If that person was standing in front of me, would I be so critical? I will be thinking about your post for a long time! Thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a fascinating thing to notice! I’m not sure if I would be a present-enough listener to catch these nuanced errors. If I saw them printed in books, I might, but hearing the mistakes feels trickier. Thanks for the smiles and thought-provoking wonderings your blog has left me with today.

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  4. Oh, my–I can understand your frustration. I’m a voracious audio book listener as well, but I haven’t had this particular issue. I did encounter a reader who pronounced the name of a character one way in book one of a series and then switched the accented syllable in books two and three. It kept pulling me out of the story for quite a while until I got used to it.

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  5. Janet. I loved this piece. Makes me want to pay more attention to the audio books I listen to in the future. I’m going to admit, I do become slightly dissapointed when my audio books reader has a flat voice that doesn’t match the tone of the book.

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  6. I nodded my head at both your main points! I LOVE audiobooks, and like you am addicted to listening to them while in the car, scrubbing the toilet, or going for a brisk walk! The majority of the readers/narrators are SUPERB, so it is disappointing when they are not. And, yes, it is so easy to use our anonymity to say things we would never say if we were having an actual conversation with someone.

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